In this special extra episode for NaPodPoMo and the first for the Slurp feed, we talk about the new 3D printer on our way to church.
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Internet, Linux, Android, Music, Podcasting.
In this special extra episode for NaPodPoMo and the first for the Slurp feed, we talk about the new 3D printer on our way to church.
Read moreAs the sun sets on the NaPodPoMo challenge for 2019, I talk about my new 3D printer and the fun and weirdness that it has presented me with so far.
Read moreIn today’s near-midnight, penultimate, recording, I recount being doorstepped by a representative of the Brexit Party, share my views on the EU Referendum, and make a point about respecting other people’s opinions and beliefs.
Read moreIn my longest episode for this month’s NaPodPoMo challenge, I talk about US national events around this time, the concept of getting away from work whilst in work, and go on a bit about flexible working.
Read moreWhilst playing catch-up from the past two days, I tell you about the 3D printer I just bought, and the reasons why.
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