In today’s episode, I answer a question that I didn’t answer when I was asked it originally.
Today’s Question
revisiting Yannick‘s question from Day 8, and Simon‘s subsequent comment:
“[On Day 7], you said you went from “one database paradigm to another database paradigm”. The geek in me is now curious to know what you mean by that.”
Also, check out the MongoDB University.
Any questions?
Don’t forget, I want to hear from you with any questions you have that you’d like me to answer in a future episode.
Drop a comment below, or email me at napodpomo@thelovebug.org
More Info
Full progress on this year’s project at thelovebug.org/pod
The theme music is “next” by Jeff Oster, and is used by permission. Find out more at jeffoster.com.
See you tomorrow!